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Hawkesbury heritage properties set for $200,000 spend this year from owners and Heritage Fund
Close to $200,000 will be spent on preserving and repairing heritage properties in the Hawkesbury during 2022 through the combined investment of local heritage property owners and the Local Heritage Assistance Fund.
Heritage properties in Cattai, Wilberforce, Ebenezer, Pitt Town, North Richmond, Sackville – including Sackville Ski Gardens – Richmond, including the Richmond Literary Institute Inc./Richmond School of Arts, and Windsor, will share in a total $41,096 in local heritage grants funded by Hawkesbury Council and the NSW Government.
All grants are provided alongside ongoing progress reports and works being inspected and completed.
A requirement of the funding is that property owners match or exceed the funding. The funding available for any one property is up to $2000.
The successful applicants are also showing their commitment to preserving heritage by going beyond the matching funding in some cases, with a total contribution by the 25 successful applicants of $157,720.
In 2021 the program was recommended by Council’s Heritage Committee, and the Council invited owners and managers of heritage-listed properties in the Hawkesbury to apply for funding for minor maintenance/conservation work, and it worked very successfully.
Heritage NSW has also chipped in funding, which combined with Council’s funding allocation has enabled the annual Local Heritage Assistance Fund to continue and grow.
Mayor Patrick Conolly (left) with Council’s Senior Heritage Officer, Christopher Reeves, outside heritage-listed Windsor Cour
The next funding round for 2022/2023 will be released for applications in mid 2022. Potential applicants who would like guidance ahead of applications opening can contact Council’s newly appointed Senior Heritage Officer, Christopher Reeves, by contacting the Council on 4560 4444 or email council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
The Council will soon seek Expressions of Interest from community members with skills, experience and interest in the heritage of the Hawkesbury to be a part of Council’s Heritage Committee for the new Council term.
Meanwhile, for owners and managers of heritage listed properties, free heritage advice is available through Council’s Heritage Advisory Service. For information, and the Request for Heritage Consultation and Advice Form, visit hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-build/heritage/heritage-in-the-hawkesbury or call 4560 4444.
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