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$1000 fine if you don’t use the QR code or sign in when visiting a supermarket

Aug 1, 2021


NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller has just announced some hefty fines for people not using the QR check-in, or not signing in manually, when visiting shops.


But police say for those who cannot use the QR code – some elderly people do not have a mobile phone, for example, and some older phones do not work with the QR code – the use of the manual sign-in system is fine, “as long as they are registering in some form that they have attended the location, and the store they are attending has that system in place,” a police spokesperson told the Post, and added, “the last thing we want to do is alarm the elderly.”


This evening’s announcement from the Commissioner says NSW Police will be conducting a compliance crackdown on the use of QR check-in, as well as those not wearing face masks in and around supermarkets and large retail premises in the Greater Sydney area – which includes the Hawkesbury.


“There is no reasonable excuse that members of the wider community are not adhering to current health orders and using the QR check in and wearing face masks,” says the Police Commissioner this evening.


“NSW Police Force will have a zero-tolerance approach to members of the public and businesses breaching these orders,” he says.


“Recent health advice has shown that supermarkets and large retail stores are a known source of concern when it comes to spreading COVID-19.


“Businesses not complying with the QR checking system will receive a $5000 fine.”


Members of the public who fail to check in using the QR code will be fined a total of $1000, though it’s not clear how police are going to enforce this across all retail stores.


Not wearing a face mask carries a fine of $500.


And they are keen for us all to dob in those not following the rules.


The Police statement says, “anyone who has information regarding individuals or businesses in contravention of a COVID-19-related ministerial direction is urged to contact Crime Stoppers:


Information is treated in strict confidence, say Police, and add that the public is reminded not to report crime via NSW Police social media pages.


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