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After 10 days lost in the bush we find Yoshi alive but exhausted

Apr 7, 2023

Ten days ago – as we posted on our Facebook page – a couple moving into their new home on Lt Bowen Drive at Bowen Mountain lost one of their two Chow Chow dogs who went off for a wander. One dog returned, but Yoshi didn’t.

Yoshi found 10 days after he went missing…


The owners spent days looking for seven-year-old Yoshi but he seemed to have disappeared into the kilometres of bush without trace. And because he wasn’t familiar with the area, it was feared he’d got completely lost and would never be found.


On Facebook locals from far and wide took to watching out for the big dog, with the story shared 169 times across the Hawkesbury through groups and individuals all looking out for the cuddly dog. The post reached over 30,000 people. But still, there were no sitings.


Our family walk the two trails at the end of Lt Bowen Dr every day and we hoped we might somehow see Yoshi but so much time had gone by we’d pretty much given up hope too.


But on Thursday evening, sore and tired but not looking too shabby despite surviving rain and heat, Yoshi was spotted by editor Tony’s son as he and his mum were out for their evening stroll on the Southern Fire Trail, around a kilometre and half from the road.


“I just saw him on the trail and knew it was Yoshi. I tried to get him and he tried to run away but he only made it a short distance and then collapsed on the trail. He was exhausted.”


I cut short my own walk on the other fire trail and quickly went and fetched owner Lloyd who arrived with water and food.


Yoshi, flat out on the trail, wagged his tail when he saw Lloyd but could barely get to his feet and when he did he could hardly walk, taking only a couple of steps each time before collapsing.

Owner Lloyd hand feeds Yoshi and gives him some water…


Next began the task of trying to get Yoshi back home. Because of his size (Chow Chows can weigh as much as 40kilos) – he was still heavy despite being out in the bush for so long.


Thankfully, along came local students Tegan and Angus who were returning from their evening walk – we had to try and carry Yoshi but it was hard going and it took Angus on one end of the dog and Lloyd on the other, as the night quickly rolled in.


We were in pitch darkness and at least a kilometre and a half from the road and with a steep climb in front of us. We used our mobile phones to try and illuminate our way.

Video of Yoshi being carried in the improvised hammock…


After a while of the two of them carrying Yoshi, Angus – who will surely be feeling the muscle aches today – hefted Yoshi up into his arms and started to carry the big dog by himself, which in a way was easier, but frankly was a herculean task. Despite his strength, even he had to keep stopping for a rest, such is the climb, but then other people came and joined in and brought a blanket which was used as a hammock to carry Yoshi. We all took turns to grab a corner and keep going.


After around an hour we had him in Lloyd’s car and he’s now back home. We imagine he’s having a good sleep after his big bush adventure.

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