Thursday, 5th of September 2024
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Bilpin Pop-Up Gallery on this Sunday – broad and beautiful array of local artistry up for sale

Dec 10, 2021


If you’re after a unique, beautiful and locally crafted Christmas gift then look no further than the Bilpin Pop-Up Gallery which is on this weekend at the Bilpin District Hall from 10am to 3pm Sunday. Main picture here shows Julia Ford’s artworks.


This second Pop-Up follows their very successful launch event back on November 14.


A large array of artists will be in attendance this Sunday, including Tony Meskauskas of Audimas Weavers, Janelle Wymer with her amazing mosaics, Jen Janson showing her beautiful hand-painted cards, Victoria Doolin’s truly beautiful Christmas wreaths, along with Sally Blackwell, Julia Ford and Joanna Galbraith.

Just a few examples of the amazing artistry which will be on show at Bilpin this Sunday


They will be joining exhibitors including Derek Keir (wooden carvings and toys), Chris Crottey (metal sculptures) Mark Baker (metal sculptures) and painters Robyn Duffy, Judy Miller, Peter Collier and Matt Charnley.

Catherine A Wilson will also be there, signing and selling her award-winning novels from the series, Lions and Lilies.

So if you are looking for that unique Christmas gift, get along and take a look at what’s on offer from all the artists, including Vicki Mayne (hand-crafted jewellery), Tracey Felton (exquisite wraps) John Chorley (sculpture), Isobel Johnson (knitted gifts) and Michelle McNevin (mosaics, copper foil and crotchet items).


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