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Cool running for Windsor Bowling Club as $12,000 grant sees new upgrade

Dec 17, 2021

Windsor Bowling Club members are keeping their cool more efficiently thanks to a $12,000 grant for a new cool room motor.

The old cool room motor and refrigerant and condensing unit had come to the end of its life and needed replacing, so the club applied for funding under the Powering Communities program.

MP Susan Templeman with Windsor Bowling Club Secretary, Arthur Rutter, in the cool room. The new equipment is pictured to Arthur’s immediate left


“The program helps not-for-profit community organisations upgrade equipment to reduce their energy consumption, and this project fitted the criteria perfectly,” said Macquarie MP Susan Templeman who recommended the grant.

“It’s been so hard for community organisations like Windsor Bowling Club to continue paying the bills through lockdown, so anything that helps reduce operating costs really makes a difference,” said the MP.

“This was the first round of the Powering Communities program, and while there were far more applications than funds, I was delighted to support this very worthwhile project.

“It was good to see everything is now up and running, and the cool room is performing exactly in the way that it should.

“While this equipment is not something that is really obvious to visitors, it will bring real benefits to the club by helping to cut energy consumption and in turn save money.”

Windsor Bowling Club marked its 90th anniversary this year, with the first game of bowls played on March 28, 1931 and the official opening of the club on May 2 of the same year.

“I was very pleased to be able to assist the club in what is such an important year for its members,” Ms Templeman said.

“I’m really glad this new equipment not only brings updated technology to its operations but reduces energy use and bills and improves its energy productivity.”


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