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Election is over but candidate signs still litter the Hawkesbury – here’s an innovative solution

Jun 1, 2022

Damaged Labor Party signs used in the recent federal election are being recycled to help treat mange in local wombat populations, in a novel way of ensuring the signs do some good.


The Susan Templeman signs, called corflutes, have been donated to Macquarie WIRES carers – among others – to keep them out of landfill.

Macquarie MP Susan Templeman taking down a corflute post-election


“My teams collects all the corflutes once the election is over, and we store the undamaged ones so we can use them again at the next election,” re-elected Maquarie MP Templeman said.

“But there are a number that are damaged by the weather, transport, or vandals, that we simply can’t use again.

“Those signs are going to a number of individuals and organisations for re-use, including to WIRES so they can help with controlling mange in wombats.

“Carers have described to me how milk bottle lids filled with chemical treatment are attached to the corflute and placed in front of the wombats’ burrows, similar to a doggy door.

“The wombats touch the corflute as they make their way in or out of the burrow, which flips and spills the treatment onto their backs.

“It means WIRES can treat the animals in situ and kill the mites that cause mange both on the wombats themselves and in their burrows.

“Mange is a terrible skin disease caused by the parasitic mites, which has significant health and welfare impacts on individual wombats.

“It can cause death if left untreated, and severe outbreaks can result in significant reductions in wombat numbers in local populations.

“I’m really glad these damaged signs can be put to good use to help our precious native wildlife.”


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