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Ex-Kurrajong North PS teacher Nicky Mee publishes her first Aussie children’s book

Nov 11, 2021


When Nicky Mee’s daughter, three-year-old Courtney, grows up she’ll have her very own picture book to remind her exactly what she was getting up to when she was a youngster.


But the big difference is – a whole bunch of other kids will get to know Courtney’s story too, and that’s pretty exciting for new author Nicky who hopes parents and carers will read the book to their little ones.


Primary school teacher, and now published author, Ms Mee, came up with the idea for Hooroo, ta-ta, bye-bye because her daughter likes to say goodbye “to all the little things in her life, realising that it’s only goodbye for now and not forever”.


“Courtney spent a lot of time saying goodbye to nearly everything that she came in contact with; her blankie, her fish, and even the couch at one point,” Ms Mee told the Post.


“If we didn’t spend that time saying goodbye, her whole day would be thrown into turmoil. It was about letting go, being resilient and helping her realise that these goodbyes are for now and not forever, which I feel many other children would be able to relate to.”


Ms Mee – she is married to Brad and they also have another daughter aged 18 months – taught at Kurrajong North between 2015 and 2018 and says her time there was “wonderful”.


“I taught at the wonderful Kurrajong North PS for a few years before I had my first daughter.


“My time teaching there was unreal,” she said.


“The school community was so kind, caring and every day working there, I felt the community spirit connection that all the students had with each other. They really appreciated their education and the parents were always positively involved in their students learning. Students respected each other and it is definitely a school that I could of retired in. If I have the chance before the end of my teaching career (in the far distant future!) I’d hope to go back there to teach again; the KNPS teachers are all very dedicated and hard-working professionals.”


Ms Mee says she has enjoyed writing since she was in primary school.


“I’ve written many short stories and was into poetry a fair bit growing up, but never really shared my work with anyone. I write about what I know, and since having children, I’ve watched what my girls (three and 18 months) get up to on a daily basis and they inspire me with the ideas that are evident in my book and future books.”


She’s a full-time teacher but is on one day a week maternity leave at the moment and that’s when she tries to squeeze in a bit of writing while also looking after the two youngsters.


“Focusing on my students’ education is my main priority at this present time,” she said.


“Self publishing a children’s picture book which is filled with plenty of Australian themes, has been a dream come true and to be an author of a book that many children enjoy reading with their parents and grandparents just fills my heart.


“My self-publishing journey has been based around doing a small bit each day and pray that things eventually work out. My husband has been my rock, my drive and my main support. He has encouraged me to achieve my goals and realise that anything is possible.”


Ms Mee firmly believes good books can empower parents in guiding their child in the early years towards reading success and confidence.


“Many people who have purchased Hooroo, ta-ta, bye-bye have mentioned how relatable the story is when reading it with their child or grandchild. Many have also sent me videos of their children confidently reading the book. This has been very rewarding to hear and I hope that many more families can use the book as a reading resource. My next book, My Fair Dinkum Dad should be available in the next coming weeks.”


If you’d like to order a copy of Hooroo, ta-ta, bye-bye, and support a local author, at a special price, visit the website here.


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