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Eyes on – new Hawkesbury Council website
Hawkesbury City Council has launched a new website which they say will make it easier to find out what’s happening at Council, to do business with Council and to connect with Council online.
Council has listened to the community’s feedback as part of this website upgrade, Hawkesbury Mayor, Councillor Patrick Conolly said.
“Now we’re asking you to explore our website and to provide your feedback on your experience when using the new website,” Mayor Conolly said.
“So visit the site at www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au and tell us what you think!”
The new-look website offers new tabs to make it easier to navigate to specific areas, including tabs For Residents, Plan and Build, For Business, Your Spaces, Your Council.
There are also Quick Links to the Animal Shelter, Waste Management, Your Hawkesbury Your Say, Discover the Hawkesbury, Emergency contacts and Online Services. Through Online Services, you can pay your rates, register your dog, report problems, apply for a licence, lodge an application and complete many other types of Council business online. See more on the new website at www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
All feedback is welcome, visit www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au/website/survey_tools/ws to complete the survey.