Thursday, 5th of September 2024
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Mar 7, 2022


Flooding continues throughout the Hawkesbury, with many communities remaining isolated.


It is likely – according to the BOM – that today we will see major flooding across some areas with more to come on Tuesday.


Wisemans Ferry and Colo River are seeing large rises at the moment, with Wisemans expected this morning to see floods above the major flood level for that area.


The Colo River at Putty Road peaked around 10pm last night but is very near major flood level and likely to reach major flood level on Tuesday. There is widespread flooding in that area.


Heavy rainfall early this morning resulted in flash flooding and flooding of many local roads across our region.


Two calls to the Hawkesbury SES this morning were to cars that had driven into water and become disabled – don’t go out on the roads unless you have to.


Here’s the roundup, and what we can expect, for today from the Bureau of Meteorology and Hawkesbury SES.


North Richmond

The Hawkesbury River at North Richmond (WPS) peaked at 11.10 metres around 04:00 pm Sunday, with major flooding. The Hawkesbury River at North Richmond (WPS) may fall below the major flood level (10.50 metres) Monday afternoon. Renewed rises to the major flood level are possible during Tuesday.



The Hawkesbury River at Windsor is nearing a peak at around 10.80 metres, with moderate flooding. Further rises are possible during Monday.



The Hawkesbury River at Sackville is likely to reach around 8.00 metres around midday Monday, with moderate flooding. Further rises are possible during Monday.


Lower Portland

The Hawkesbury River at Lower Portland is likely to reach near 6.80 metres around 10:00 am Monday, with moderate flooding. Further rises are possible during Monday.


Wiseman’s Ferry

The Hawkesbury River at Wisemans Ferry is likely to exceed the major flood level (4.20 metres) around 07:00 am Monday. The river level may reach around 4.40 metres 11:00 am Monday, with major flooding. Further rises are possible during Monday.


Colo River

Major flooding is occurring along the Colo River at Putty Road.

The Colo River at Putty Road is estimated to have peaked near 11.50 metres around 10:00 pm Sunday night, with major flooding. The river is currently estimated to be near the major flood level (10.70 metres). Renewed rises are possible during Tuesday.


Macdonald River

Flooding continues on the Macdonald River. The Macdonald River is estimated to have peaked near 8.33m around 6.00pm Monday night and is currently steady at 7.55m (08:00am)


Isolated communities

The NSW SES is in action in isolated communities in the Webbs Creek, Macdonald Valley, Lower Colo and Ebenezer areas.


An RFS Helicopter (HT201) is operating out of the NSWSES Hawkesbury Unit at Wilberforce.


SES says, “please check on your neighbours to see that they are okay or if they need any assistance. If you are isolated and require assistance with resupply, please call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500.”



An emergency hotline 📞 1800 814 647 has been established for people to request assistance with livestock assessment and veterinary assistance, emergency fodder where access allows, and euthanasia and burial if required.


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