Saturday, 9th of November 2024
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Mar 5, 2022


Welcome to Saturday and the Hawkesbury is still in the grip of floods, although there have been some slight drops in flood levels. The bad news is, we need to brace for heavy rain tomorrow – Sunday – which the Bureau of Meteorology believe could lead to major flooding across the Hawkesbury again, so don’t pack away the wet-weather gear yet.


Yesterday late afternoon the Hawkesbury was officially declared a Disaster Area, which means it is now under Federal control and will


According to Hawkesbury SES this morning, major flooding continues along the Hawkesbury and Lower Nepean Rivers, with many locations still under water or isolated by flood water.


The river levels peaked at North Richmond on Thursday afternoon, below the March 2021 event. The flood peak has now passed Lower Portland and is approaching Wiseman’s Ferry.


Settlers Road – locals are attempting to clear debris…


Down at Wisemans, and the broader Macdonald Valley area, including Webbs Creek, trapped locals are relying on the SES to bring in food supplies and animal feed as well as medicines and veterinary supplies. The SES are using both boats and helicopters to supply locals there. Locals are also having to attempt to clear their own roads – no Council help at all there at the moment.


After the last flood – less than a year ago – Council did discuss a framework around arranging for local contractors to help with flood damage in outlying areas, given it’s hard for Council staff to get out there with flooded roads, but according to local contractors on the ground this morning at Settlers Road that hasn’t happened.


This morning both the SES and BOM underline that “renewed river level rises and moderate to major flooding is possible along the Hawkesbury and Lower Nepean Rivers with forecast rainfall from Sunday”.


North Richmond

According to the BOM, the Hawkesbury River at North Richmond (WPS) peaked at 12.95 metres around 02:45 pm Thursday and is currently at 10.89 metres and falling, with major flooding.


The Hawkesbury River at North Richmond (WPS) is likely to fall below the major flood level (10.50 m) during Saturday evening. Renewed river level rises are possible on Sunday.



The Hawkesbury River at Windsor (WPS) peaked at 11.99 metres around 02:30 am Friday, with moderate flooding, slightly below the major flood level (12.20 m). The river level is currently 11.07 metres and falling, with moderate flooding. The river level is likely to remain above the moderate flood level (7.00 m) during Saturday. Renewed river level rises possible on Sunday.



The Hawkesbury River at Sackville peaked at 8.27 metres around 01:00 pm Friday with moderate flooding and is currently at 7.98 metres and falling. The Hawkesbury River at Sackville is likely to fall below the moderate flood level (7.30 m) Saturday evening. Renewed river level rises are possible Sunday into Monday.


Lower Portland

The Hawkesbury River at Lower Portland peaked at 6.23 metres around 05:00 pm with moderate flooding and is currently at 5.99 metres and falling with minor flooding. The Hawkesbury River at Lower Portland is likely to remain above the minor flood level (4.60 m) during Saturday.


Wiseman’s Ferry

The Hawkesbury River at Wiseman’s Ferry may peak near the moderate flood level (3.50 metres) around 1:00 pm Saturday, with the high tide.


Colo River

Minor flooding is occurring along the Colo River at Putty Road. The Colo River at Putty Road peaked around 6.50 metres Friday morning with moderate flooding and is currently around 5.20 metres and falling, with minor flooding. Renewed river level rises are possible Sunday into Monday.


**The gauge at Upper Colo is showing 7.56m (06:30) and falling at 0.1m per hour

Macdonald River**

**This is not monitored by the Bureau of Meteorology; however:

St.Albans at 8:00am was 4.25m and falling at an inconsistent rate.

The Macdonald River peaked at 11.30 am yesterday at 4.99m



An emergency hotline 1800 814 647 has been established for people to request assistance with livestock assessment and veterinary assistance, emergency fodder where access allows, and euthanasia and burial if required, across the Hawkesbury.


More as we get it, of course…


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