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Flood Recovery Centre opens in South Windsor 9am Thursday – more centres to come
Resilience NSW and Hawkesbury Council will open the first Recovery Centre tomorrow at 9am, at the South Windsor Family Centre in Greenhills Way, as well as several Outreach Recovery Hubs.
The Recovery Centre will offer a range of government and non-government services to help with financial, physical and emotional support.
The aim of the Centre is to offer a one-stop shop with face-to-face support for residents affected by the 2021 floods.
North Richmond and Wisemans Ferry will also be getting Recovery Centres – but no news yet on when they will open.
“Council is working with the NSW Government, community organisations, and welfare bodies to assist individuals, businesses, farmers and landholders dealing with the repercussions of the record-breaking storms and flooding,” said Mayor Patrick Conolly.
“The recovery process is underway, with crews focused on the clean-up, and these recovery centres will be vital to help our flood-affected residents and businesses get back on their feet.
“Council is partnering with government and non-government services to continue to support flood-affected communities for as long as it takes and in every way we can,” Mayor Conolly said.
Council say they can provide information on, and access to:
clean-up services
financial assistance
insurance and legal support
support for businesses
mental health and wellbeing services.
South Windsor Recovery Centre opening hours over Easter:
Thursday – 9am to 5pm
Closed Good Friday
Open Saturday – 3 April from 10am to 2pm
Closed Easter Sunday
Open Easter Monday – 10 am to 2pm.
After Easter, the South Windsor centre’s ongoing hours will be:
Weekdays – 9am to 5pm
Saturdays and Sundays – 10am to 2pm.
Resilience NSW will also open Hawkesbury Flood Recovery Centres at North Richmond and Wiseman’s Ferry – but there are no details on those centres yet.
Outreach Recovery Hubs
Outreach Recovery Hubs are also being set-up at Colo Heights, St Albans and Wilberforce.
These Recovery Hubs will provide some outreach support one week day per week and one weekend day per fortnight. Recovery Hubs will provide smaller, place-based access to community and non-government recovery services for anyone affected by the floods or the 2019-20 fires.
Colo Heights (Horrie Eley) Hall – opens Thursday, April 8
Location: 2996 Putty Road, Colo Heights
Opening Hours:
Thursdays 10am to 4pm
Saturdays fortnightly (from April 10) 10am to 2pm.
St Albans Volunteer Bushfire Brigade – opens Friday, April 9
Location: Wharf Street, St Albans
Opening Hours:
Fridays 10am to 4pm
Saturdays fortnightly (from April 17) 10am to 2pm.
Location yet to be confirmed.
Updates will be posted on Council’s website www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au under Flood Recovery information – Hawkesbury 2021 (click on the blue flood information banner) and Council’s community engagement page, Your Hawkesbury Your Say www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au/fih2021
For those wanting to be assisted remotely, and for more information on all available disaster assistance, please contact the Disaster Customer Care Service at Service NSW on 13 77 88 or online via Service NSW www.service.nsw.gov.au
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