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Jul 30, 2021


Numbers continue to rise as the COVID pandemic spreads, though they are down a little from yesterday and both the Premier and Chief Medical Officer stress getting vaccinated is the answer.


Numbers of known COVID cases in Hawkesbury are still steady at 6.


There have been a total of 15,727 tests in the Hawkesbury, up by 273 since yesterday, so not that many in the last 24-hours.


At least one person who tried to attend the Sydney CBD protest last Saturday has since tested positive for COVID. NSW Health and NSW Police are working to see if that person did attend the protest – they were turned away by Police on Saturday but may have rejoined the protest.


NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant stressed that people needed to follow the health advice if we’re to keep the virus under control.


“It is critical that we continue to follow the health advice,” she said.


If you have a cough, fever, headache, loss of sense of taste or smell, you should get tested as quickly as possible, she said, and she warned against waiting until it could be too late.


“Tragically we have seen people present very late for care,” said Dr Chant.


“Outcomes can be much poorer, so don’t delay getting tested, as with COVID you can deteriorate very quickly. Never be fearful of coming to our health services for care.


“Even one dose of the vaccine can reduce your risk of hospitalisation and death.


“The group that really distresses me is we don’t have enough coverage in the elderly,” she said.


“For me it’s a no brainer. Any person who has got a loved one I would pick up the phone and book them in, with their consent of course.”


Premier Gladys Berejiklian said, “do not leave home unless you have to. We are expecting those numbers [of infections] to bounce around. Don’t assume it won’t be back up tomorrow.


She warned against anybody “taking up illegal activity and protesting” this weekend.


“You could be taking the disease home,” she said.


“Do not give those you love the most a death sentence.”


And she made a clarion call to all residents, saying, “come on Greater Syndney, come and get vaccinated. More jabs in arms means more freedom for all of us.”


Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said this morning at the same media conference Police will take strong action against anyone trying to protest this weekend.


“Please don’t come into Sydney tomorrow to protest,” said the Commissioner.


“You will be met with 1000 police ready to deal with you. We know this is such an important time for NSW and coming into town to protest is not the answer.


“That force will be mobile and will be waiting for you.”


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