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Good news for schools, students, and farmers – Kids to Farms program extended

Feb 26, 2022

Just last week we reported on a push by Hawkesbury farmers and Macquarie MP Susan Templeman to get the Federal government to extend the government-funded scheme helping schools pay for excursions to local farms – and the good news is, it has now been extended until the end of June 2023, a full year.


MP Susan Templeman with Bilpin farmer Aaron Brocken


MP Templeman wrote to the Minister for Agriculture, David Littleproud, on February 3 asking for the deadline for the Kids to Farms scheme to be extended after meeting with Bilpin farmer, Aaron Brocken.

“I was delighted to receive a response from Mr Littleproud saying an extension to the program had been approved that allows activities to continue until June 30, 2023,” Ms Templeman said today – Saturday.

“This is a really welcome development, and I thank the Minister for listening to MPs like me, farmers like Aaron, and the NSW Farmers’ Association, which manages the program in this state.

“It means schools will be able to continue to apply for $1500 in funding so children can visit a local farm and learn more about where their food comes from.”

“The program was due to end in June of this year, but there were many schools who would have missed out.

“Farmers like Aaron – who has been working Harvest Farm for six years and is currently growing about 30 different varieties of fruit and vegetables – recognise how beneficial the program is to both children and local family-owned farms.

“I really encourage local schools to investigate taking advantage of this program and taking the classroom out on the road.

“It’s a fun day out for students and it can also mean a welcome mid-week boost for local businesses.”

Schools can find more details on the Kids to Farms website at


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