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Grose View PS student Nicola aims for 2028 Olympics and softball success

Nov 7, 2022


Nicola Harris has been playing softball since she was just four years old and those years of practice certainly seem to have paid off because the now 12-year old was not only selected for the NSW state team this year, she’s also been selected for the Sydney West Regional Team.


And she is aiming high – looking to the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles for a chance at softball stardom.


“We are so proud of Nicola and her achievements in softball,” says mum Kellie.

“She is very dedicated to her sport and works at her skills every chance she gets.”


Nicola’s whole family – Grose Vale is home – are involved in the sport. Kellie says “everyone plays or coaches or manages teams and even our older kids who have moved away from home still come and spend Saturdays all together playing and enjoying the sport”.


Nicola Polaschek is a softball star in the making…


Nicola – who is in Year 6 at Grose Vale Public School – plays both in club and representative teams across the Cumberland area.


“Nicola loves her sport and the friendships she has made along the way,” says Kellie.


“Her favourite position is catcher and that is where she plays mostly but she also plays shortstop and third base.”


Nicola trains three nights a week and plays all day Saturday and her goal is to one day play for Australia. Her aim is to be part of the nation’s Olympic team in 2028 in Los Angeles.


Nicola touches base…


She’s certainly off to a good start. This year, Nicola took part in the under-14s and under-16s State Championships and was selected as part of the under-14s Softball NSW Squad.


For school-based tournaments, Nicola was selected in the Blacktown/Hawkesbury zone team, and after the zone tournament she was selected for the Sydney West Regional team. They came Their Sydney second and Nicola was then selected for the NSW PSSA (Primary School Sports Association) team and will travel to Melbourne for a week to play other states at the end of November.


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