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Hawkesbury City Councillor Watch 8th August, 2023

Aug 13, 2023

📅 Hawkesbury City Council Meeting – 8 August 2023
✅ 11 Councillors were present. Deputy Mayor Calvert was absent for the entire meeting. Clr Conolly left the meeting early at 8.10pm. Missing 75% of the items on the agenda.
🗳 There were 8 votes at this meeting
🕑 The meeting lasted 2 hrs and 16 mins (ending at 8.46pm)
There were 3 motions of note, see their slides for information on each motion.
📺 You can watch the full meeting via the Webcast here:
📁 You can see the full minutes and agenda of the meeting here:
📌 Tuesday 12 September 2023 – Next Council Meeting

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