Wednesday, 4th of September 2024
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Kurrajong sparkles and sees a bit of glitter sprinkled about the village for Christmas

Dec 8, 2021


Kurrajong residents got together on Saturday and in the festive spirit crafted and up-cycled all manner of items into brilliant Christmas decorations.


Funded by Wentworth Healthcare as part of the Federal government’s response to the 2019-20 bushfires, the event brought together locals of all ages and skills to add a little more sparkle to one of the Hawkesbury’s favourite villages.


Organiser Lyn Ward from Kurrajong Community Forum which hosted the event thanked everyone who came along.


“We crafted, we up-cycled, we created, we chatted and we might have gone home with a few sparkles too,” she said.


Locals pulled together to make some truly amazing Christmas decorations for the village


Some very inspired creations came out of the day, including some amazing wooden trees made by village regular Michael from timber he sourced from another village resident, and even old wheels were up-cycled too.


“We sourced many other items that would have otherwise be landfill and gave them new life,” Ms Ward said.


“We’ve been through a lot,” she added, “starting more recently with the horrid bushfires, so having the opportunity to get together on activities like this is super important and we are grateful to Wentworth Healthcare for their sponsorship which made it possible.”


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