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Let us know how the new Windsor Bridge traffic lights and right turn are affecting you
Yesterday the new set of traffic lights at the top of Windsor’s $137m bridge were switched on, and a right hand filter lane into Macquarie St opened.
Let us know what you think of the changes and if they are working for you.
Post reporters have driven across the bridge this morning a couple of times and one clear issue is people are using the right hand turning lane – despite many right turn signs on the road – to go straight ahead at the new lights. If you want to turn right at the next set of lights that makes some sense but it doesn’t seem too safe.
School holidays have already begun for some local schools whose parents or carers regularly use the bridge to cross to Bede Poldin and Arndell schools from the Wilberforce and Freemans Reach direction, so traffic volumes will be lower than normal. That said, let us know how it’s working for you.
Video shot on December 4 2020. Pic courtesy of Paul Caleo, video Jenny Lloyd