Sunday, 8th of September 2024
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Lower Portland man seriously injured after falling onto burning logs during hazard reduction burn

Oct 5, 2021

A Lower Portland man received burns, a chest injury and suspected spinal injuries after falling onto burning logs while carrying out a hazard reduction burn on his property on Monday evening.


The man, aged in his 60s, then fell approximately 10 metres down a slope and landed on a tree.


The Mounties Care CareFlight Helicopter was tasked at 5pm Monday and landed 20 minutes later in the grounds of a neighbouring property.


NSW Ambulance paramedics were providing initial treatment for the man and Fire and Rescue NSW were on scene to manage the hazard reduction burning.


CareFlight’s specialist doctor and NSW Ambulance critical care paramedic conducted a clinical assessment on the patient, including an ultrasound, and administered pain relief while undertaking spinal precautions.


CareFlight’s medical team provided ongoing treatment for the man as he was airlifted in a stable condition to Royal North Shore Hospital.


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