Saturday, 7th of September 2024
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Minor flooding possible for Colo River from late Wednesday – BOM – rain forecast for Hawkesbury

Sep 20, 2022


The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a Flood Watch for the Colo River this afternoon and say there could be minor flooding there from late Wednesday and into Thursday.


At the moment there is no flood watch or flood warning for the Hawkesbury Nepean river system overall.


BOM sent out their latest media release at 5.30pm today – Tuesday – and said,

“Widespread rain is forecast to affect western NSW on Tuesday, extending through central and eastern districts on Wednesday and Thursday.

“With catchments wet and many dams at capacity, waterways are very sensitive to rainfall, and further river rises, renewed flooding is likely from Wednesday through to the weekend for the inland catchments.”


The Colo River is our only local river so far which has a Flood Watch on it. This is not a Flood Warning, which is a higher level of warning.


Hawkesbury SES has also highlighted the situation this afternoon, saying the expected rainfall, “may cause minor flooding along Colo River from Thursday”.


“The situation is being actively monitored and updated flood watches or warnings will be issued where necessary over the coming days.”


Hawkesbury SES advice today:



Prepare for possible isolation, ensuring you have enough food, beverages, medications, pet and stock feed, and fuel for generators.


Pumps and farm equipment should be relocated to higher ground.


Horses and livestock should be relocated to higher ground that will not become an island.


According to the BOM, rain is forecast for the Hawkesbury from tomorrow – Wednesday – from around 1pm, and is expected to continue – according to the weather forecast now – until Saturday, with a short break Sunday and then more rain. Obviously the forecast can change.


Warragamba Dam is currently at 97.9% full, that’s up 0.2% in the last week.


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