Friday, 6th of September 2024
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Minor spill possible from Warragamba Dam in next 24 hours

Sep 28, 2022


With rain continuing to fall across Sydney’s water supply catchment areas, WaterNSW has warned Warragamba Dam may reach full supply level within the next 24 hours.


“A minor spill is also possible. River users may notice an increase in river heights over this period,” says the government water organisation this evening – Wednesday.


Spills happen when the dam reaches 100% capacity. The water level at Warragamba this morning was at just over 98%, so inflows to the dam catchment area following recent heavy rainfall have increased.


River users should refer to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) website for river heights, weather forecasts and warnings, says WaterNSW.


We will, of course, keep you up to date with any developments.


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