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Multi-million dollar state and federal funding for Hawkesbury park, reserve, cycleway and signage

Nov 2, 2022

Four projects in the Hawkesbury are getting a major boost thanks to $16.8m promised by the State government and $3m from the Federal government for developing Woodbury Reserve at Glossodia, Pitt Town’s Fernadell Park, a new cycleway, and a signage project.


Artist’s impression of extended cycleway. Please note, in NSW all cyclists are required by law to wear helmets. Pic supplied by Hawkesbury Council…


The $16.867m from the state government is through WestInvest, a $5bn state-government infrastructure fund, while a separate $3m – which is specifically to go towards Woodbury Reserve – is from the Federal government and announced in the Budget.


And no, none of this funding will be used for road repairs or road upgrades across the Hawkesbury.


The Council specifically says the WestInvest funding, “cannot be used for any other purposes, including road recovery and flood repairs, which are being funded through Federal and State infrastructure recovery programs”.


The funding should allow Council to deliver on Masterplans for Woodbury Reserve and Fernadell and will also see the construction of the 1.7km Kurrajong to Kurmond Cycleway Project – an off-road cycling and walking path following the Bells Line of Road. It will expand on the existing off-road cycleway from North Richmond, which currently ends at Kurmond.

Glossodia’s Woodbury Reserve gets $5.423m from the state and $3m from Federal government to realise its Masterplan. Artist’s impression of how it should look once finished…


Council’s Wayfinding and Signage Project will also be rolled out. This project seeks to replace and upgrade wayfinding signage across the Council area, aimed, says Council, at improving “navigation, highlighting important locations and sharing important stories”.


Hawkesbury Mayor, Sarah McMahon, said the projects would be transformational and deliver benefits to the community for many years to come.


Artist’s impression of how Fernadell Park should look after its build…


“This funding will deliver a huge boost to the delivery of projects that cement the Hawkesbury as a great place to visit, live and play,” said the Mayor who added, “Council staff have already put a lot of work to get these projects ready for delivery. These are not just ideas that will be delivered many years down the track – these will be delivered in this term of Council.”


That means they would all need to be completed by September 2024, which is clearly a very tight deadline for such large projects.


Macquarie MP Susan Templeman, who pledged during the Federal election back in May to get $3m for Woodbury Reserve, and had it delivered in the Budget, said, “The residents of Glossodia have waited a long time for funding for Woodbury Reserve and I am pleased to have been able to lead the way in securing $3 million Federal funding.

Macquarie MP Susan Templeman at Woodbury Reserve (left). The Federal government has fullfilled an election promise to give $3m for improvements. Right – Hawkesbury MP Robyn Preston, Mayor Sarah McMahon, Deputy Mayor Barry Calvert…


“When combined with the newly promised State funding, it means Hawkesbury Council can implement the vision the community has for this important public space,” says Ms Templeman.

“Covid showed us how important well-designed public spaces are, and people north of the river have had a lot of years of making do with very little.

“I look forward to working with Council on this important project.”

Artist’s impression of example of signage project…

Hawkesbury State MP Robyn Preston didn’t mention the Federal funding at all but said, “it is a great opportunity for the State Government and Council to work together for the benefit of the community”.


Here are the projects in detail:


Woodbury Reserve, Glossodia ($5.423m)


Woodbury Reserve in Glossodia will receive an upgrade in line with the Masterplan, which was adopted earlier this year following community consultation.


The upgrade includes:

  • New playground

  • New multi-purpose courts

  • New amenities building

  • Improved and additional parking within the site

  • Shared path network with better connections

  • Improved access to natural areas

  • Additional shelters with barbecue facilities

  • Designated dog off-leash area


A new BMX pump track is also under construction with additional funding from the State Government’s Open Spaces Program: Places to Play grant ($455,000), and $3m in additional funding has also been pledged by the Federal government.

Fernadell Park and Community Facility, Pitt Town ($4.56 million)


Fernadell Park in Pitt Town will receive a full redevelopment in line with the Masterplan, which was adopted last month following community consultation.


The park will provide the growing Pitt Town community and surrounds with both passive and active recreation space.


The works include:

  • New multi-purpose fields designed for football and cricket

  • Sports lighting

  • Off road parking

  • Toilets and change rooms suitable for female and male players

  • Kiosk/equipment storage

  • Integrated community space and public accessible toilets

  • District level inclusive play space

  • Shelters, barbecue amenities, and associated items

  • Outdoor fitness equipment

  • Youth facility

  • Integrated Community Centre


The total project will be funded by the WestInvest Grant, Council funding ($2m) and the NSW Government’s Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund ($3.3m).


Kurrajong to Kurmond Cycleway ($4.538 million)


The Kurrajong to Kurmond Cycleway Project will be a shared [pedestrians and cyclists] path alongside Bells Line of Road between Kurmond and Kurrajong.


These works will complete a continuous off-road link between North Richmond and Kurrajong, to help increase active transport and recreation use by residents and tourists.


Getting around and discovering the Hawkesbury – Wayfinding and Signage Project ($2.346 million)


The Wayfinding and Signage Project aims to improve how visitors and residents are guided through the local government area to find the diverse experiences, attractions and services on offer throughout Hawkesbury.


This project will introduce a cohesive and consistent signage suite that will ensure navigating the Hawkesbury is smooth and user friendly, and highlights the important places, histories and stories throughout the region.


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