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North Richmond’s WestRock closed for deep clean after someone with COVID visits the plant
WestRock – one of the Hawkesbury’s largest employers – had to shutter most of the plant and send workers home today after someone with COVID visited the package-making factory on Bells Line of Road.
The factory will be closed for two shifts, so essentially a 16-hour block, while it undergoes a deep clean.
We asked the company what the situation was and were told, “no comment,” which any journalist will tell you is not a real great way to handle any situation, but there we are.
Belinda Griggs who is Assistant State Secretary of the AMWU, the union that represents the bulk of workers at the site, told the Post WestRock has, “very, very good COVID safety measures in place” and praised the company for its swift response.
“They’re definitely on the ball and did the right thing. They’re one of the best companies out there when it comes to a COVID situation,” said Ms Griggs.
Workers are expected back at the plant tomorrow.
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