Sunday, 8th of September 2024
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Pandemic leave disaster payments on the way if you get a positive RAT result and can’t work

Jan 8, 2022


If you record a positive Rapid Antigen Test result and it means you have to isolate from work – and that you lose at least 20 hours paid work – you will soon be able to apply for up to $750 of government support funding.


The payments were announced today by Federal Minister for Emergency Management, Bridget McKenzie, who said in a media statement, that starting from January 18 people who have “lost at least a day of work because they are self-isolating due to being COVID-19 positive, caring for someone who is COVID-19 positive, or meet the definition of a close contact, may be eligible for up to $750”.


It’s an update to the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment and it will be scaled based on the numbers of hours you might lose, or expect to lose during an isolation period of up to 7 days.


Individuals who have lost or expect to lose 20 hours or more will get $750, and if you lose at least a day of work up to 19 hours, you can apply for $450.


A financial hardship test will also be introduced, which essentially means if you have access to funds of $10,00, or more, you won’t likely get the payment.


Claims will be able to be made online through Centrelink.


The Minister says, “a new online claim system is being stood up to support the Payment, making it simpler and easier for people to apply.”


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