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Problems again at BLOR as experts examine crack in roadway – contra flow may be on for 3 weeks

Nov 30, 2021


On Friday Transport for NSW set-up a contra-flow system on Bells Line of Road at Mt Tomah after heavy rain looks once more to have caused problems on the major road with a crack appearing in the roadway.


The road is a major route in our region and with Christmas looming will soon be busy with holidaymakers, as well as the usual trucks ferrying supplies to and from the Hawkesbury.


The crack was discovered in what TfNSW call the “pavement of Bells Line of Road at Mt Tomah” – otherwise known as the road surface. The say it was noticed as part of a routine inspection.


Back in March as the Hawkesbury suffered its worst flooding in recent memory and heavy rain fell across our region, large cracks appeared in the hillside above BLOR leading to the road being completely closed as engineers worked to stabilise the hillside.


The closure in March effectively trapped those west of the river – from North Richmond up to Mt Tomah – leading to food and other essential supply shortages. Eventually those supplies had to be ferried across the Hawkesbury river by boat as shortages grew.


A reader took this picture of the sealed cracks this morning. As they pointed out though, “There were multiple problems/locations last time [in March] with slips, water under the road and water coming up through the road.”


Since then TfNSW contractors have worked to stabilise the hillside and roadway but it appears the persistent rain over the last two weeks has again caused problems.

“Last Friday evening during a routine inspection after recent rainfall, Transport for NSW identified a new crack in the pavement of Bells Line of Road at Mt Tomah,” a TfNSW spokesperson told the Post this morning.

“The road was immediately reduced to a single lane as a precautionary measure until further investigations could be carried out.


“Crack sealing was carried out on Friday evening and the road will be monitored daily for a minimum of [the] next three weeks to determine if further work is necessary.”

The spokesperson said BLOR remains open to all vehicles under traffic control and reduced speed limits of 40 km/h. At the moment there is no additional weight limit imposed.


The road is a major route to and from our region for locals, holidaymakers and trucking companies who use it to bring in supplies from the west of the state.


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