Saturday, 7th of September 2024
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River Watch

May 4, 2021

Those of you living by or crossing Hawkesbury rivers today will have noticed they are quite high. This is due to Warragamba Dam getting up to 98 per cent full so there are some controlled flows from the Dam which are causing higher than normal flow into the Hawkesbury River.


We talked to BOM at 2pm and they said over the next seven days it is unlikely there will be any flooding in the Hawkesbury.


“They are doing more routine systematic spills from the Dam at the moment,” the BOM spokesman just told us, “but we don’t expect any flooding over the next seven days. We would need a high level of precipitation for that to happen and that is not forecast for the next seven days at least.


“There may be some storm activity over the Dam catchment area but at this stage there is a low risk of any flooding,” said the BOM spokesman.


We will of course keep you informed.


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