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Sandbags available this afternoon as ‘Significant rain expected’ – Warragamba Dam sitting at 97%

Jun 30, 2022


Cornwallis resident calls for WaterNSW to let water out of Warragamba Dam now.


Sandbags will be available for Hawkesbury residents from this afternoon – Thursday – as

the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) forecasts “significant rain is expected during the weekend” and into next week, as a low pressure trough deepens, possibly forming a Tasman low.


So far there are no flood alerts for the Hawkesbury but Jess Micallef whose family run a turf business at flood-ravaged Cornwallis, and who heads the Richmond Lowlands/Cornwallis Flood Committee, told the Post WaterNSW should already be letting water out of Warragamba Dam, which is currently sitting at 97% full.


“There is no common sense in this whole situation. It seems ignorance is bliss,” says Mrs Micallef.


“The most immediate and cost efficient thing right now, would be to mitigate the Warragamba Dam. We are governed by legislation that is old and no longer is relevant.


“All the arguing over the raising of the dam wall has over shadowed the most sensible option. Now, we are looking down the barrel of yet another flood with the dam sitting at 97%.”


Warragamba Dam is currently at 97%, it was at 97.1% yesterday, so there is a bit of room there but many catchments are still very wet.


Many flood damaged areas of the Hawkesbury – including Cornwallis and many roads – have still not been repaired since the last floods.


Warragamba Dam currently at 97% full


In an alert put out by Hawkesbury SES today, they say:

  • Sand and empty sand bags will be available from the Hawkesbury Council depot, Old Sackville Road, Wilberforce (from later this afternoon). BRING YOUR OWN SHOVEL.

  • Current predictions are for persistent moderate rainfall to accumulate over several days. PREPARE

  • People should consider their travel plans over the weekend and into the school holidays.

  • People previously isolated by localised runoff or flash flooding should ensure they have ample provisions (food, water, medications, batteries, fuel & stock feed).

  • Ensure your gutters and drains are clear to avoid water backing up into ceilings and into buildings.


We will, of course, keep you up-to-date will any developments.


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