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Severe Weather Warning: Damaging winds expected in Hawkesbury by Monday late afternoon, evening

May 29, 2022


Source: Bureau of Meteorology The Hawkesbury is included in a very broad area of damaging winds developing overnight and extending east into our region during Monday.


We’ll be seeing a top temperature of 16C Monday, with the expected winds making it feel somewhat cooler. Damaging winds, says BOM, averaging 70 km/h with peak gusts in excess of 90 km/h are likely over the far west of New South Wales from early Monday morning, reaching the Great Dividing Range by Monday afternoon and the east coast Monday evening.

Saturated soils bring an increased risk of gusty winds toppling trees and powerlines, warns BOM. It’s all because of a low pressure system over the Great Australian Bight and associated cold front, which will strengthen as they move eastwards on Monday.


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