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Small business payments to $10K, payroll tax deferred, dine-discover vouchers extended to August
NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet has unveiled support packages for businesses affected by the lockdown – which will include Hawkesbury businesses and sole traders to help get them through the lock down period – but you won’t be able to get them until July 19.
There will be a payment of $10,000 if there is a turnover reduction of 75% in businesses with up to 20 full-time employees.
If turnover is halved, a business will get a $7000 payment
If there is a 30% reduction the business will get a $5000 payment.
The Treasurer said, “this payment will be available to tourism, hospitality and the accommodation sector with payrolls of up to $10m who we know have been significantly disrupted during this period of time.”
The State government will also be deferring payroll tax liabilities and gaming tax liabilities for hotels for the July period into August.
“This will provide those impacted businesses with cashflow they need at this difficult period of time,” said the Treasurer.
He also gave a message to landlords to be understanding.
“I want to make the point to landlords across the state, from a commercial and residential basis, make sure you’re working with your tenants. If they are struggling during this period of time, including on a residential nature, please work with them.”
Additionally, Dine & Discover vouchers which allows anyone over the age of 18 to get discounts on food, including takeaways and food delivery. That was extended to July but has now been extended to the end of August.
The funds will be available from July 19.
You will need to provide evidence via an accountant to prove a decline in turnover.
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