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Stay Safe in the Heat: Western Sydney Gears Up for Searing Temperatures

Dec 8, 2023

Emergency services are urgently urging residents and visitors to take immediate precautions to ensure their safety  after the Bureau of Meteorology issued a dire heatwave alert for New South Wales. Sydney’s western regions are preparing for scorching temperatures of 38 degrees today and a blistering 44 degrees forecasted for tomorrow during the heatwave.Next week is also looking no better with mid to high 30’s and 44 degrees forecast for Thursday, December 14.  The best advice is: if you don’t need to be out – stay at home. Above all, look after yourself and those around you. If you need assistance call Triple Zero (000).

Rural Fire Service 

The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) is sounding the alarm for those residing or visiting bushfire-prone areas. It has urged  heightened awareness. Residents are advised to know the Fire Danger Rating and have a detailed action plan in the event of a bush or grass fire threat. Key recommendations include staying alert, reviewing and discussing bushfire survival plans, and reporting unattended fires immediately to Triple Zero (000). Regularly check the Hazards Near Me app, the RFS website, local radio stations, or calling the RFS Bush Fire Information Line at 1800 679 737 for crucial updates.

NSW Health:

People particularly vulnerable to extreme heat include the elderly, infants, those with certain medical conditions, outdoor workers, pregnant women, socially isolated individuals, and the homeless. NSW Health advises staying indoors during the hottest part of the day, using cooling methods at home, limiting outdoor activities, staying hydrated, and recognizing signs of heat-related illnesses. More information is available at

NSW Police Force:

Police are asking people to remain patient  as traffic delays and the heat can frustrate drivers with slower conditions on the road. They are also warning people to be careful with children near water with many people expected to head to the beach of waterways to cool off – all children need to be supervised.


In summer, animals need constant access to both water and shade, as heat stress can develop extremely quickly in hot weather. If you think your pet is suffering from heat stroke, please call an RSPCA veterinary hospital or your local veterinarian immediately.

To help your pet cool down:

  1. Provide extra bowls of water in case one is accidentally knocked over.
  2. Never leave your dog or other animal in the car, even with the windows down. She could die in as little as six minutes, as temperatures in a vehicle can rise to dangerous levels, even on mild days. Leaving the windows open, parking in the shade and tinting do not help to reduce the inside temperature significantly.
  3. Always walk your dog in the early morning or late evening when it’s cooler. Don’t walk them on hot roads or concrete.
  4. Ensure your pet always has easy access to shade and water throughout the day. If you can provide extra shade.
  5. Allow your outdoor animals to come inside the house to share the air conditioning or electric fan.


Hawkesbury Council

Hawkesbury Council is extending the opening hours of its facilities.

Hawkesbury Central Library at Windsor will be open from 9am till 7pm.

Oasis Aquatic and Leisure Centre at South Windsor from 8am till 8pm.The outdoor pool and surrounding areas will be shut from 6pm. The indoor pool and gym will continue to be open until 8pm.

Richmond Swimming Centre at Richmond from 8am till 8pm.

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