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Templeman wins Macquarie and increases margin – “keen to start the work of the next three years”

May 21, 2022

Labor MP Susan Templeman has increased her margin significantly and retains the seat of Macquarie with a large 7.54% swing to Labor in our local seat.


Liberal candidate Sarah Richards has conceded defeat.


Last night in her victory speech, Ms Templeman said, “I feel really humbled to have been elected for a third time. I think this is the first time in history that any Labor person has held this seat, with these boundaries, for three terms.”


She told the Post this morning – Sunday, after a gruelling six week campaign, she was, “Tired and grateful, and keen to start the work of the next three years.”


She added a thank-you to, “all those people who have trusted me to represent this community in Canberra as part of an Albanese Labor Government”.


“This result reflects years of consistent work of the team who support me to serve the community. It also reflects real failures by the Morrison Government, including to look after people on the NDIS and in aged care, to protect Medicare, and to take real action on climate change.


“I have no doubt that bringing about the many changes the Macquarie community expects and deserves is going to take time and hard work, and I am keen to get started so we can see change for the better in the next three years.


“As people know, whether you voted for me or not, I take very seriously my responsibility to represent the interests of our community and advocating for people.”


“I have done it from opposition for years, and will continue to do it in government.”


“To all those who helped me achieve this historic win, the first time Labor has held Macquarie for three terms, I want to say thank you.


“Whether you spoke to people about your experience with me, had my face on your fence, or handed out at the polls, every contribution and commitment was appreciated and valuable.


“And to those who listened: thank you.”


M Templeman will be a member of a new Labor government, who may be able to rule in their own right – though some seats are still too close to call this morning, Sunday.


The swing to Labor in Macquarie is a massive 7.54% so far, and while postal votes are being counted this morning, almost 80% of all available votes have now been counted.


The ABC called Macquarie as a retained seat for Labor last night.


Ms Richards was only 371 votes behind at the 2019 election but appears to have been decisively beaten this time around.


On a two candidate preferred basis, Ms Templeman currently has 44,768 votes which is 57.7%, against Ms Richards’ 32,774 votes which is 42.3%.


On the national stage, Scott Morrison has conceded defeat and resigned as Liberal leader, while Liberal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg looks likely to have lost his seat, and Labor are set to form a new government, possibly in their own right – they are close to a full majority – but potentially it will be a hung parliament, as both Greens and Independents have gained seats.


The Liberals have lost several seats to independents in normally safe Liberal inner city seats while the Greens have pushed out several Liberals in Brisbane seats.


MP Susan Templeman with daughter Phoebe at North Richmond polling station on Saturday


Ms Templeman first won the seat of Macquarie in 2016.


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