Thursday, 5th of September 2024
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Nov 14, 2021


Bit of an update here on the spill from Warragamba Dam, which eventually finds its way down to the Hawkesbury River.


The Dam is at 100% full capacity today and WaterNSW tell us they had what they call “a minor spill at midnight” as water started to “to trickle over the drum gate”.

That gate is the central one of five.


The Drum Gate started to automatically open at 4.30am today which a spokesperson told the Post, “demonstrates the slow rate of rise and minor nature of this event”. This afternoon, the Dam was only 0.09metres above the full level and the Drum Gate – which operates automatically – is open 23%, and discharging water at approximately 12 giga-litres (GL) per day. That’s 12 million litres.

“WaterNSW anticipates the discharge to peak around 20GL per day later today,” the spokesperson told the Post.


“River users could expect to see further rises in levels throughout the morning and the spill is very much in the minor range with no significant impacts downstream.”


Water flowing into the Dam from the water catchment area is currently approximately 38GL per day and is now steadily dropping.

We will, of course, keep you up-to-date with any developments as we get them.


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