Thursday, 5th of September 2024
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Western Sydney Women to run free confidence building, money smart and job ready program for women

Jul 6, 2021


This September, Western Sydney Women will again be running their free WISE Woman Program for 40 women in Western Sydney aged 45-plus, aimed at assisting women to be money smart, build confidence and prepared for future employment.


The program is run as a private online group that includes weekly online interactive sessions run by leading experts across a range of industries.

Western Sydney Women Founding Director Amanda Rose says, “women in particular, feel that age discrimination is holding them back from achieving their ambitions.


“WISE aims to change this. Programs such as WISE are invaluable in making sure women are not just equipped with the tools they need, but are confident in their ability and ultimately their employability,” Ms Rose says.


“It is a collaborative effort though – businesses need to see the strategic benefit of having these women who are ‘at their peak’ (pun intended!) on their teams and help break down the sometimes not so silent barriers to hiring based on age.”


The program includes sessions on: All About You – Confidence building, managing stress and styling; Money Smart – Basic budgeting (tips and tricks), including government and community support; and Job Ready – Creating an eye-catching CV, upskilling, discovering the hidden job market and succeeding in interviews.

After completing the program, says Ms Rose, “participants will have gained confidence and practical skills and outcomes such as developing a budget and a CV, securing a job interview, enrolling in further education and the support to facilitate positive change and security in their lives including access to employment”.

Amanda Rose


“Once a woman is equipped with confidence, connected to resources and can proceed with support, nothing can stop her from achieving greatness,” says Ms Rose

Expressions of interest in the program, and more info –


Main picture – Marek Levak


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