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WSU Hawkesbury campus welcomes top young researcher from the US
Western Sydney University has welcomed two top young researchers from the United States as part of the 2023 Fulbright Scholarship program.
US researcher Camille Kilayko Sicangco…
Ms Camille Kilayko Sicangco from the University of Florida is an ecologist who is being hosted by the University’s Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment to work with them on computer modelling of eucalypt trees, looking at leaf responses to droughts and heatwaves.
The research project will help to identify drought and heatwave resilient eucalypt species and provide information about rehabilitation of vulnerable ecosystems in Australia.
Mr John Robertson Schaefer is the second researcher and he’s from Harvard University.
The Fulbright Scholarship Program is the United States’ flagship foreign exchange scholarship program aimed at increasing cultural understanding, bilateral collaboration, and innovation.