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HEN AGM on Wednesday to examine Hawkesbury River now and into the future

Oct 30, 2022

Hawkesbury Environment Network (HEN) is holding its AGM on Wednesday evening, with the focus on The Hawkesbury River – its current state and where to from here.


HEN members and supporters – L-R: Robin Woods, Hawkesbury councillor Mary Lyons-Buckett, Chairperson Jocelyn Howden, Christine Watson, and Hawkesbury councillor Danielle Wheeler…


Speakers will include expert Dr Ian Wright from Western Sydney University, a local from MacDonald Valley who has been impacted by recent flooding, and a prawn fisherman, also hit by the floods.


HEN’s Chairperson, Jocelyn Howden, told the Post, “we would love all interested Hawkesbury residents to come along and hear what these very interesting speakers will have to say about our river.”


The HEN AGM is at the Deerubbin Centre Windsor Library in the Tebbutt Room from 6.30pm on Wednesday November 2.


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