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Medicare-rebateable MRI scans now available in the Hawkesbury

Mar 26, 2023

Hawkesbury residents now have access to lifesaving medical scans, which brings an end to trips to facilities further away, thanks to a Medicare-funded MRI Licence at Hawkesbury Hospital.


“We are excited to launch a fully Medicare rebatable MRI service at Hawkesbury Hospital,” Castlereagh Imaging Chief Executive Officer and Radiologist, Dr James Linklater, said.

L-R – Chief Operating Officer of Castlereagh Imaging, Donna Press , CEO Hawkesbury District Health Service, Strephon Billinghurst, Macquarie MP, Susan Templeman, and CEO of Castlereagh Imaging, James Linklater…


“It covers both GP and specialist Medicare eligible referrals, providing a service to both hospital inpatients and outpatients from the Hawkesbury region, ensuring ease of access to state of the MRI technology which uses artificial intelligence to deliver outstanding image quality,” Dr Linklater said.


In the lead up to last year’s federal election, Macquarie MP, Susan Templeman, committed to providing a Medicare-funded MRI licence for the new MRI machine which Castlereagh Imaging planned to install to be used by hospital patients and outpatients.


“I am very proud that, less than a year after making the commitment, the Albanese Government has approved the Medicare licence, and the MRI machine is up and running with patients accessing the Medicare rebate for their treatment,” Ms Templeman said when she inspected the new machine at Hawkesbury Hospital, to hear how the first week of operation had been. The MP thanked doctors and staff at Hawkesbury Hospital for their advocacy in delivering the MRI machine.


“We are grateful to Susan Templeman’s advocacy for this project which has been instrumental in delivering an MRI license to the Hawkesbury community,” Dr Linklater said.


Hawkesbury District Health Service CEO, Strephon Billinghurst, said he was pleased to have the MRI technology now available within Hawkesbury District Health Service.


“Previously, patients who required an MRI scan needed to be transported 30-40 minutes to access the service. Having the service available onsite, means better access for our patients, decreased wait times and improved efficiency throughout the medical investigation process,” Mr Billinghurst said.


“This state-of-the-art MRI is already making a difference to patients,” Ms Templeman said. “My support for this MRI licence was driven by the doctors at Hawkesbury Hospital who raised their frustration that patients had to travel as far as Westmead to receive an MRI scan, tying up patient transport and delaying diagnosis and treatment. This can now all be done onsite.”


“Labor built Medicare and we believe all Australians deserve access to universal, accessible, world class medicine. That’s why granting this licence was a priority for us.”


“I can’t thank the teams at Castlereagh Imaging and Hawkesbury Hospital enough. They saw the need for this machine and because of their advocacy and hard work Hawkesbury residents can get the highest quality of care when they need it.”

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