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People vote to keep Windsor Rotunda in bid to stop Council removing it as part of rejuvenation plans

Mar 23, 2022


It might not be a piece of Colonial history, but Windsor Mall’s Rotunda – built in the early 1980s – has a place in many locals’ hearts and a decision to have it carted off as part of a major revitalisation plan has come up against people power, with over 1000 calling for it to be saved in just one day.


Businessman Darren Pead, who runs three very successful Windsor shops, asked on the I Love Windsor Facebook page if locals wanted the wooden Rotunda to be saved.


The result so far has been a big thumbs-up for keeping the wisteria-draped Rotunda.


Mr Pead has been heavily involved with the planned $18m revamp of the Hawkesbury’s major town centres and he’s been fighting to keep the Rotunda since 2017 when he says he first suggested at a Council committee meeting that it should be refurbished.


“Business owners in Windsor are trying to convince Hawkesbury Council to keep the Rotunda in the Windsor Mall and refurbish it, restore it and beautify it,” he said, “the Council wants to remove it.”


“It’s used by the markets, for live music, displays, presentations, and of course it’s home to the community piano. It’s also used as a meeting point and people often sit on its steps eating, drinking, reading, listening to music or just relaxing.”


“The proposed removal is part of the Mall rejuvenation project, but I can’t get a logical answer as to why they want it removed,” he added.


“I believe it’s only going to be used as an open space, with no specific plan for that space.


“I’ve argued to keep it,” says Mr Pead, “but feel my pleas are being ignored. I’m hoping to talk at the next Council meeting to ask for its retention.”


It certainly seems as if public opinion is on the businessman’s side. By this morning he had just over 1000 people who had given it the thumbs-up on social media and only three who said it should go.


“Keep your mits off it, council,” said one Facebook comment, while another pointed out it the Rotunda was an iconic part of Windsor.


“Please keep it, too much is already gone to make way for modernisation. Keep Windsor and surrounds traditional.”


Another said, “restore it and keep it. Councils are always trying to take away lovely items from our past and replace them with soulless new things. Windsor has a charm all its own. It is unique and beautiful. Don’t let it become a replica of every other ‘suburb’.”


Mr Pead has also asked Hawkesbury councillors to give him a hand, and as it happens, Cllr Shane Djuric of Hunters, Shooters, and Fishers is going to put a Motion up at the next Council meeting asking for the Rotunda and the gas lamps in the Mall to be kept. Independent councillor Nathan Zamprogno says he will be supporting that Motion too.


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