by Sam Magnusson | Jun 8, 2024 | News, Priority
Hawkesbury commuters faced unprecedented gridlock yesterday due to the simultaneous closures of the Richmond and Yarramundi Bridges, peak hour traffic, and the long weekend. Exasperated drivers were stuck in traffic for hours as they tried to get home. The Yarramundi...
by Publishing | Apr 8, 2024 | News, Priority
Transport for NSW has blamed the premature spilling of Warragamba Dam to its inability to lower the guard rails on Richmond Bridge, leading to delays in its reopening and widespread commuter chaos. Images circulating on social media this morning depicted extensive...
by Sam Magnusson | Jan 31, 2024 | News, Priority
Commuters are advised to brace for increased disruptions to the Sackville Ferry service amid an escalating dispute between wire-drawn ferry operators and the private operator, Birdon. This week, commuters can expect limited services and delays on the Sackville Ferry...
by Sam Magnusson | Dec 8, 2023 | News, Priority, Top News
SPECIAL INVESTIGATION When Lower Portland Ferry contractor Tono Group wrote to Hawkesbury City Council’s (HCC) procurement officer Gordon Sainsbury on July 11 this year, it was clear that council had no idea that its contract expired barely three weeks later. HCC had...
by Sam Magnusson | Nov 9, 2023 | News, Priority
Residents are concerned that “lives could be lost” and livestock will be stranded while the Lower Portland ferry is pulled out of service for three months during peak bushfire season. Local businesses also fear the economic costs of the decision which will also see...