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Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee puts call out to get involved in Country
The NSW Government is inviting Aboriginal people – including those in the Hawkesbury – who are committed to the protection and management of Aboriginal heritage across NSW to put their names forward to fill four vacancies on the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee.
Get involved in the protection of Country cultural heritage and national parks
The Committee aims to get more Aboriginal people involved in the management and protection of Country cultural heritage, including joint management of national parks and protection of Aboriginal biodiversity and biological resources, and spiritual values in relation to land and water.
The group also provides advice on policies to support Aboriginal landowners and land managers to manage their lands for socio-economic, cultural and environmental outcomes.
The Committee is the primary advisory body for Heritage NSW working for the identification, assessment and protection of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage, heritage impact permit processes, management plans and legislative reform.
Nominations will be to fill current and future vacancies that may arise. For further information on eligibility criteria or to download a nomination form, visit heritage.nsw.gov.au or direct link https://www.heritage.nsw.gov.au/what-we-do/aboriginal-cultural-heritage-advisory-committee/expressions-of-interest or call 9873 8579.
Please submit your completed nomination and any supporting information via email to ACHAC.Secretariat@environment.nsw.gov.au
Completed nominations may also be mailed to:
Secretariat Unit, Heritage NSW
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Locked Bag 5020
Nominations close at 11:59pm on Wednesday September 1.
Picture by Ethan Brooke
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